Capture Leads

Where Attract Interest helps you generate traffic for your website, it’s important to capture the contact information so you’re able to begin the business conversation.

This is step two of Lifecycle Marketing – Capture Leads.

Each time somebody visits your business and you fail to capture their contact information, it’s a lost opportunity.

If you get too many visitors to your website, the problem is more like one of herding cats.

To avoid this you’ll want to make it as easy as possible to capture their information and prepare you for communication with them.

Infusionsoft provides a number of way to capture basic contact information from every person that visits your business. Some of the most effective ways to capture leads from both online and off-line marketing include:

  • Online Web Forms
  • Event Registrations
  • Networking Activities
  • Referrals
  • QR-Codes
  • Phone Call Tracking

On a website, the most basic information that you should be collecting is something as simple as their first name and their email address.

As you are building the relationship with your visitors it is easier to ask for more.

Many businesses make the mistake of “selling hard” after a visitor has downloaded a lead magnet or subscribed to an email newsletter. With Automated Marketing, there’s no need.

The third stage of the Marketing Lifecycle is Nurture Prospects and this is the stage through which you’re able to educate your prospects into why your products and services are the best solution for their needs.